- 特性:
- 此油品通過美國API CK-4及歐洲E9 規格之環保型合成機油。使用三次脫氫之合成基礎油搭配高效能添加劑摻配而成,其特殊配方可提供引擎完整的保護,使引擎發揮其最大功效及延長換油里程,有效降低引擎代速時所產生的摩擦。在排氣源頭有效防止碳微粒生成,不致排氣管阻塞。
- 適用:
- 此產品之複合式添加劑能提供比一般礦物油更優異之抗氧化性能,適合歐規及日規有炭微粒過濾器之柴油引擎使用。
- 規格:
- API 15W40 CK-4/ CJ-4/ C1-4 PlUS /SN、JASO DH-2、ACEA E9
型 號 | 316 | 317 |
包裝總重 | 50加侖 | 5加侖 |
容 量 | 200L | 18.9L |
- Characteristics:
- The motor oil was passed by the regulations of environment-friendly synthetic motor oils of USA API CK-4 and Eurpoe E9. Combine Synthetic base oil after 3 times of dehydrogenation with high effective additives in order to providing perfect protection, great engines performance, and extending the mileage from oil change. Reduce the abrasion at the idling and prevent the prevent the carbon particles from the original exhaust system not to block the pipe.
- Recommended Applications:
- The complex additives of the product which is applicable to diesel engines of Europe and Japen with anti-carbon particles filters provide better ability of anti-oxidation than mineral oil.
- Specification:
- API 15W40 CK-4/ CJ-4/ CI-4 PlUS /SN、JASO DH-2、ACEA E9
ITEM NO. | 316 | 317 |
PACK | 50GAL | 5GAL |
VOLUME | 200L | 18.9L |