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慶順油脂公司創立於民國62年,早期從事潤滑油、工業設備成品油摻配及經銷 代理國外各大廠牌潤滑油脂。有鑑於當初台灣當時的牛油皆仰賴日本進口。在民國60、70年代台灣工業發展快速的時代,昂貴的進口成本、市場的供不應求、品質的粘稠度需求及各種工業及車輛不同狀態的情形之下,完全仰賴進口已不敷市場需求。因此本公司創始人蔡童事長設想,若能夠自行開發生產符合台灣潤滑脂市場的產品,配合各種工業的用量來生產出所需要的品質的話,不僅可以節省成本,提昇台灣工業的競爭力,更可促進繁榮台灣國人的經濟。



  • 各種特殊潤滑脂
  • 工業設備成品油
  • 全合成汽(柴)油用潤滑油
  • 工業設備成品油
  • 代辦進口各種工業油脂
  • OEM、ODM各大廠品牌油脂


Ching Shuen Grease CO.,LTD. established in 1973. The lubricant is that mixing and an overseas major manufacturer of grease and oil for industrial equipment represented it at the early stage. ©From 1970' to 1980', it was not possible to satisfy it with the market only in the place where the oil goods were imported because Taiwanese industry developed fast. And, it was thought that there was an influenee also in the economic prosperity of Taiwan at the same time as the length of foundation of this company developing of grease and improving to not only the saving of the cost but also the competitive edge of Taiwanese industry in Taiwan when it was possible to produce, and established Ching Shuen Grease CO.,LTD.

It started from the Green Anti-water grease, the Yellow Cup grease, and the waterproof grease of the base, and the high temperature grease system goods of the environmental protection straightening were developed following the Li radical grease and the industrial gear grease.

Work contents:
  • Special lubricant
  • Oil for industrial equipment
  • All kinds of Grease
  • Import business
  • OEM and ODM business

To assume sincerity and confidence to be company's basic principles of the company, and to offer the customer a commodity of the high quality and correct commodity data, Ching Shuen Grease CO.,LTD. introduced it in it to which the production quality of grease was con trolled with the computer, and it introduced and it introduced it into the thorough examination equipment made in Japan.

If there is a special commodity, it is guaranteed that the headquarters satisfies the customer the range or less of production capacity and guarantees to carry out power to the utmost, and to offer the customer the one of the highest quality.


基礎のGreen Anti-waterグリース、Yellow Cupグリース、防水グリースから始め、Li基グリース、工業用ギアグリースに続き、環境保護ための高温グリース系列品も開発した。

  1. 特殊潤滑油
  2. 工業設備用油
  3. 化学合成油用グリース
  4. 各種オイノレの輸入業務
  5. OEM、ODM業務

慶順油脂公司は誠意と信用を会社の経営方針として、高品質の商品と正しい 商品データーを顧客に提供するため、コンピューターでグリースの生産品質をコントロールする、それに日本製の精密検査設備も導入した。
